Uber Elements

Friday, February 13, 2009

About "Ice in Her Eyes."

It has come to my attention that no one has been reading or commenting on Ice in Her Eyes, so I have gone to great lengths thinking about this, but I have reached a decision. I am officially killing off Ice in Her Eyes, well, I'm not killing it off, per-say... It was slowly digging itself a shallow grave. No worries though, I have been wracking my brain for some new ideas, and I've come up with quite a bit! I believe that you will be enthralled with my newest piece of work, The Crest Fallen Loser, I've been working very hard on it. 

Happy Valentines Day, and such. 

Much love,

Ky xox

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chapter Ten




I frequently kept trying to "wake" myself up, but with no success. "What the hell do you think she's doing Aaron?" I thought I heard someone ask, fortunately, I didn't hear a reply, or that would've sent me over the deep end- I was in quarantine, my brother was in a hospital, Brad and Adam were here, and I didn't know how long I had been here for! If I had to sit, in this tiny little white room, with people walking passed me, making comments on me any longer, I think I would go stir-crazy!! But that's when that young doctor-dude walked in. "Hello again, Patient #764456420.25755." He said cheerfully.  How could he be so cheerful. "How many patients actually survived 'this'?" I asked, throwing my arms open, indicating around the room. "Oh, um- plenty..." He replied nervously. I hissed. "Look, I'm David Laing, I haven't worked here long.. I- I don't actually know what's going on in here!" He said with a whimper, and reapproached him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. "FINALLY!" I sighed, "Something that I can trust." As I released David, I realized, he didn't look any older then I was. "How old are you?" I asked, curiously. "Seventeen..." He said, smiling sheepishly. Wow, so secret services really did pick up the brainiacs when they were younger. "I was exposed to WOLFF when it was a work in progress, and I was the first to 'suffer' from immortality. Really, I haven't aged a day in over 25 years- I've been 17 ever since..." He said, sounding kind of sad about that. I felt bad for him. "Does your family know?" I asked, hoping he could at least go back to see them. He shook his head, breathing deeply now. "Nah, my parents died way back, and my sister died during the trials, and my brother Tony is a doctor here, he's 19.. and a jack ass." 




Chapter Nine



I faintly recall hearing a woman gasp, probably shocked 'My God Tony! Why isn't this working?!'  A man grumbled something that I presumed to be
try harder but I still felt nothing- nothing at all. 'Demon child!' One woman hissed, nearing me- or was she? My eyes flew open, and I was on my feet in a second, walking towards the woman who was hissing 'Demon child! Demon child!' over and over. Apparently, many people were just as shocked as the woman was, when I came face to face with her- because her face went from angry, to green, to white. She reached up and stroked my cheek. "My Lord!" She shuddered. I thought I was still me- I thought I was still Ice McCain, 15 year old, average grade 10 student... Why was she making a big deal out of this? Maybe I was cut up real bad- then I noticed how slowly my heart was beating, but how hot I was. What the hell? Everything went black around me. Damn I hated Syncope!

When I awoke a few hours later, I heard the annoying beeping sounds of a monitor and the overly sterile smell of a hospital. "Miss, you and your friend have been exposed to some sort of airborne virus- it's I.D is WOLFF 17856445.332 or WOLFF for short." An extremely young doctor said, wearing a mask covering his mouth. "I guess it's contagious..?" I sighed. The doctor looked around the room, as if to shoo out others, "No, absolutely not-" he replied. "You're a bad lier!" I laughed, my voice sounded different. "Ok, WOLFF has a different affect on every one of it's test subjects, and you were exposed accidentally- and well, so far all of the side effects include..." he trailed off. I glared at him. I took a sharp breath in, as if I'd hit him, "Yes. Oh, right! The side effects include enhanced beauty, supernatural abilities, change in skin and hair color, mood swings, and finally- immortality... Or at least the aging process is slowed greatly, it could take around a century before a year phases your body.." The doctor said, smiling sheepishly. God, I wondered how many of these 'symptoms' I was 'suffering' from.  Or, Alex. "What about Alex?!" A asked, what was this, a million and one questions? "Who?" He replied. "Um, the boy who was in the car when I crashed-" I hurried through my sentence. His eyes grew sad. "He's in the hospital with intensive injury's but he was exposed to WOLFF, and will probably have the same outcome as you. The boys who's here have black and the other has blackish blue hair with green in it, they'll be able to meet your pleasurable aquaintance later." The doctor called before leaving the room. Oh my lord- it was Brad and Adam- we had hit them, and we exposed them to WOLFF- ?  Was that even possible? Did they expose us? What was going on here?! Was this a bad dream?! Was the car in a ditch somewhere and this was my imagination playing games on me?!

Just Checking In

Hey, this is for my family and friends reading this- HEY JORDAN!!! HAHAHAHA! YOU HAVE MRS.FATIMER! HAHAHAHAHAH! I LOOK DOWN UPON YOU! I AM L.-THE-RANDOM-DINOSAUR!!  No, I kid- I love you (as a friend!!!) Anyways, back to the point, I'm just trying to prove that this is my blog, and not some random kids, who's trying to be me!

Shout out to-

Jordan H.
Linda D.
Spencer M.
Danielle J! <-- WOOT [I married you on Facebook]
and Little Chris- even though your not going to read this :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Chapter Eight

Later (like- after Brad left) Phil came up to my room, and thank God that I only had trig. to work on. "Hey, Ice Princess!" Brad laughed, knocking on my door. I looked up, "Oh! Hey Phillie! I didn't hear you creep up the stairs.." I joked, going back to my trig. "Um, yeah well... I heard that Alex thought you were pregnant, or that you and Brad did the unmentionable- AND he also thought you had just done some drugs!" Phil laughed, counting the things Alex was probably oozing with when he romped into my room earlier that morning. "Well, maybe a couple of those things are true!" I admitted, sarcastically. Phil's face went completely white. "W- what?!" He stammered. "Ugh, kidding!" I groaned, throwing a pillow at him. I glanced over to see the color coming back to his face.

Ice Decided To Take A Break [I know thats a shitty way to state it- but hell! It's my first real deal thing :P]

"Oh my God!" My mom cooed, as she ran through the door, her high heals clicking on the tile. "My baby!" She crooned, holding my head into her breast. "Uh, mom-" I mumbled, embarrassed. "You're crushing my face!" I yelped after a few more minutes of the head squeezing. After all the 'oohs' and 'ahs' I was already sick of my parent's being home.. Good thing they were going to Spain tomorrow on a 'business trip'. "We were just so lucky to have Phil staying with us, or else my little baby might still be hooked up to some machine at a hospital!" My father cried, throwing his arms around me. I could see Phil fighting back the urge to burst out laughing- or maybe crying... He wasn't there when I was in the hospital... But I guess he had told them he was. I rolled my eyes, who cares? "Oh dad- I just have a minor case of Syncome!" I said, trying to make it sound more serious then it really was. "Syn- wha?!" My mom screeched. Phil and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. "Fainting ma- fainting..." I giggled, patting her lightly on the back, grabbing two rootbeers and tossing one to Phil. 

When I was at school, I told Moira about my parent's "stealthy" return, and their comment about the hospital. All was good until I was ambushed by Adam, *Selena and Sara. "Oh my gosh! HEY! You look TOTALLY wonderful!" Sara gushed, she was oozing with bubbliness. Moira took a deep breath in. "Like, I know! I did her makeup today, doesn't it look like totally- stellar?" Moira replied, faking the bubbliness. Sara gasped. "So like- Ice dressed herself?" Sara asked, in utter shock. Wow- what? I can't even dress myself anymore? "Um, yeah... I did! Why?" I sighed, looking at Moira, who looked more annoyed with Sara then I did. "Because like, you look HOT! No offense!" Sara was back to her over gushed bubbly self in no time- great. I couldn't find the twins in any of my classes- maybe Phil said something- but then I remembered... Austrailia, family, visit- CRAP! Brad and Adam Wilson had gone 'Out Back' to visit family for the week!

I groaned. How could my day get any worse? I was already riding in the car with Alex after football practice (and that smells AWFUL) and we had to listen to his dumb music. And just like Alex, we had to be racing top speeds down slick, wet roads at 9:30 at night (I had been in the library studying for a trig. test on Friday, and I was really needing the extra study time). Just then, another car swerved into our lane, and Alex slammed on the breaks- the other car safely returned to it's proper lane, but Alex had lost control. I had found we were spinning at alarming speeds heading straight for a- oh holy hell- we were heading straight for an escarpment. I buckled my seatbelt, and prayed to God that both me and Alex made it out unscathed. My heart thumped harder and harder- it wasn't like anything they said it was like in movies, nothing was in slow motion! It happened so fast, the wind whipping around us, the crunching sound of the car, the shattering sounds of glass- shards flying every which way, and then the screaming- not from me and Alex... But from somewhere else... Oh GOD! We had hit another car.. The shrill shrieks were sounding more distant- I heard something that sounded like 'Human phial mime the dumb plumb' but that's when it finally registered- someone was saying 'someone dial nine one one'... 

Continual For Chapter Seven

‘Oh my God!’ I thought to myself, but immediately was snapped into the reality of all this, by the sound of Brad’s light snoring. The rising and falling of his chest, made it look as though he seemed so at ease with the world. Maybe I could just put my head down, for just a minute-

When I woke up (for the second time that day), I was surprised to still see Brad staring at me, his eyes were too curious. “You talk in your sleep-” He said, smiling mussing my already messy bed head. “Oh yeah?” I retorted, propping myself up on my elbows, so we were at the same level- or for now anyways. Brad nodded. “You kept saying ‘Brad- Phil. NO! Brad- but... but... PHIL!” He laughed, I felt my face go scarlet. “How dare you eves drop on my personal dreams and thoughts!” I joked, poking him in the ribs. He rolled his eyes. Unfortunately for us, we heard a voice calling to us from the bottom of the stairs- Alex, the one guy who was completely oblivious to anything that was my so called life! “Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er!” I heard him yell, running up the stairs, probably taking two at a time- just like he ALWAYS did when he had something on his mind… I groaned, and curled into Brad- always I felt safe curled there. I shut my eyes, and prayed for the best.
As my door slowly creaked open, “Oh- uh… hey, um Brad..?” It was Alex, and he was just as shocked as our friends had been- except for maybe *Selena and Sara. I opened my eye just a little bit, just to see my brothers mouth hanging open. “Why… why are- is there something? Did you two...? Is she- you know, you KNOW!” Alex said tripping over his words- I’m not sure, but I think he asked if I was pregnant… Ugh! “Hah, no!” Brad laughed. “Long day- and we both had the day off - doctors orders - and we decided to hang out, and well, she fell asleep...” Brad said, his voice trailing off. “Oh.” was all Alex managed to squeak out, I had to keep from laughing. 
When Alex left, I let out a howl of laughter. “That’s going to go over well at dinner tonight, now isn’t it?” I sniggled. Brad just laughed along with me, this was probably the most we laughed since, like ever!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Chapter Seven

I swallowed hard. I guess the impact of Brad and my head's colliding was enough to make me have tunnel vision, maybe I should sit down? No, I was fine. The voices were just annoying ringing sounds in my ears- what the blue hell was going on here?! I felt arms grasp me, as my whole world went black.

I remember my eyes being pulled open, as a light was shone into them… I tried desperately to shut them, but achieved nothing. I didn’t want to wake up yet- I was so peaceful here…

“She’s suffering from Syncope-” A man said, sighing rummaging through papers. (By now I was just pretending to be sleeping until this unknown man left) “Is it serious?!” I heard someone else ask, oh GOD! It was Brad! I tried not to groan. “No, what Miss McCain is suffering from is temporary loss of consciousness due to sudden lack of blood flow to the brain. However, Syncope is a dramatic event and can even be life-threatening if not treated appropriately. Generally, however, recovery is usually complete within minutes to hours.” The man, who I presumed to be the doctor, declared knowingly. My heart sunk. I have a life threatening illness- fainting..! 
As soon as I heard the doctor walk out of the room, my eyes flew open. “What a load of bull shit!” I hissed, right now I was so pissedd off! “Calm down, Ice-” Moira said, shushing me. How the hell could I calm down?! I could die from fainting! “Ugh! Whatever!” I huffed. I heard someone giggle, so I looked over to see Brad staring at me- I needed to breath. “You drugged me, didn’t you!” I accused, pointing a long, white finger at him. “OH MY GOD!” I yelled, and everyones head jerked towards me. “Someone painted my fingernails black...” I shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Why was I making such a big deal out of this?

When I was discharged, I was all too happy- except to see the worried face of Phil waiting for me back home.
“Hey.” He said hoarsely, looking up. “Aweh, you don’t look too good- what’s wrong?” I asked, but I already knew- I had Brad’s arm, wrapped around my waist. I kept telling myself that it was just for support, nothing more. “Glad you made it home, Ok, I’m going to bed- Some of us have to work in the morning...” Phil said, patting me on the shoulder, and heading for the basement. I felt really bad.
As Brad helped me upstairs, we sat their a long time, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep- with Brad’s arm, still wrapped snugly around me. When I woke up, I was curled into Brad- WAIT! I was curled into BRAD?! Oh NO! What time was it?! 8:53 am? It was Tuesday, how come nobody woke us up?! “Brad!- BRAD!” I whispered, shaking him but still trying not to be too rough. “Hm, wha-?” He asked, groggily awakening. “It’s like 9 in the morning, dude! We missed the bus, and Phil’s at work!” I was so worried about missing today, that I didn’t realize that he had pulled something from his back pocket. “I have one doctors note for Miss Ice McCain and one doctors note for Mister Bradley Wilson- No school until we both go back to the doc!” He said, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.